
Board of Commissioners

75 articles and counting—the barrage is real

July 7th, 2023|Board of Commissioners, News, Opinion|

Is the Holland Sentinel a credible news source? “At the Sentinel, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in journalism. Our credibility is what makes our readers trust us and the content we publish.” — The Holland Sentinel’s Transparency Guidelines In reality, the Holland Sentinel and Editor Sarah Leach have set up their artillery to fire on conservative Christians who are standing for liberty.

Shall not be infringed

June 10th, 2023|Board of Commissioners, News|

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) asserts that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” — Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright, June 5, 1824

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