Grand Haven
Grand Haven City Council cancels plans to construct peaking plant
Grand Haven City Council canceled plans to construct a peaking power plant on Harbor Island after the J.B. Sims Generating Station was decommissioned.
Local effects of energy policy changes
By next year, 28% of the energy supplied by the Grand Haven Board of Light and Power is expected to come from renewable sources.
County Board Chair signals need for fiduciary responsibility and protection of children
Joe Moss, Chairman of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners, released the following statement regarding his "vi coactus" signing of two Health Department mini grants on Friday, May 19, 2023.
The Grand Haven City Council’s support of a pride festival draws community opposition
According to some, June is Pride Month. The City of Grand Haven is planning to commemorate the occasion with a festival. At the May 15, 2023 Grand Haven City Council meeting, 14 men stood up and spoke in opposition to the city’s participation in pride month and a pride festival.