School bond proposals—what they don’t tell taxpayers
When school bond proposals claim there will be a zero increase in taxes, is there still a cost to voters?
Liberal “nonpartisan” activists: League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters claims to be nonpartisan, when in reality the organization engages in extremely partisan politics and spends most of its programming dollars on lobbying for progressive policies.
The truth: Ottawa County Public Health and Planned Parenthood
On August 18, 2023, the Ottawa County Department of Public Health sent an email to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services asking for the contact information of Planned Parenthood.
Media narrative during election season
With political campaigns kicking off, let's take a look at a recent poll done by MLive. This poll not only gives a snapshot of what Ottawa County residents think, but also how the media will cover this election season.
After years of using the county to advance public health power and activism, Marcia Mansaray has thrown her hat into the political square
On March 27, 2024, Ottawa County Deputy Health Director Marcia Mansaray added her name to the list of candidates.
In some Michigan districts, the line between parents and school has blurred
School policies are attempting to push parents out.
The collapse of leftist media
The news media has been in a free fall for decades. But recently the complete collapse seems close.
The local church and the sacred cow of politics
Many pastors believe in the myth of neutrality.
Michigan Legislature looking to impede parental rights
In 1993, Michigan became the most homeschool-friendly state in the nation. But, the state would like that to change.
Power trip
After writing Letters to the Editor and giving public comment, Marcia Mansaray traveled across the country to inform public health professionals about how she used her position to push back against elected county commissioners who oversee the Health Department.
Public Health & Democrat Activist Lawfare
“Many on the political left have pushed the lie that conservatives ‘distrust public health.’ It isn’t public health policy that we have come to distrust, but rather how it is used by the Left to cloak their partisan agenda.” —Representative Jim Banks, Indiana’s 3rd Congressional District
Abolition of the DEI Department has the Left questioning local effects
From its inception at the end of 2018 to its demise in 2023, the estimated cost of the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Department was just over $1.1 million. So, just what impact did the DEI Department have on mental health, suicide rates, and the county’s racial make-up? Does its abolition put citizens at risk? Should residents worry now that Ottawa County dissolved its DEI Department? The political left says, “Yes.”