Meeting highlights—Commissioner attempts to censor public comment, questions about a grant from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, and policy updates
Published July 12, 2024
Written by Adams
Photography by Simply American
The July 9, 2024, Board of Commissioners meeting had a full agenda but started with an outburst by Commissioner Roger Bergman. After a quick break and an explanation of the First Amendment right to free speech, the meeting continued.
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners
Regular Session
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Not The First Time
After the first public comment speaker, Commissioner Roger Bergman demanded Chairman Joe Moss stop citizens from using their three minutes to speak on whatever topic they choose.
• “If you won’t [stop them], then I will,” Bergman told Moss
• Bergman left a meeting approximately six weeks ago for the same issue
• Bergman has a history of silencing citizens of Ottawa County. In 2021/2022, as Board Chair, he limited speaking time to one minute and attempted to prevent citizens from entering the County building.
After a short break, Moss reminded Bergman that Ottawa County is a Constitutional County as of May 2023, when the Board passed the Constitutional County Resolution.
“Prior boards may have attempted to silence citizens if they came to speak; they may have tried to close the building. This Board will not do that,” Moss said. “We welcome all people who would like to come and give a three-minute public comment. That’s according to not just the Constitution, but our Board rules, which we will continue to follow. I would like to make sure that no one believes that their speech is being silenced or prohibited. It is not. We welcome everyone to come and give three minutes if they would like.”
First Reading Of Two Policies
The Board had two policies in front of them.
1. Operating Budget Policy
(To view the policy, scroll to page 638.)
• The Summary of Request: “With the proposed changes to the Fund Balance Policy, the Operating Budget Policy was updated to recognize that the General Fund contingency will need to consider all areas of the budget supported by General Fund operating transfers”
• Commissioner Doug Zylstra needed clarification on the only addition to the policy, Section IV, A-2, which reads in part: “and the amount of the contingency will take into consideration all areas of the County budget that is supported by the General Fund”
• Karen Karasinski, Finance Director, explained that the added sentence makes the point that reserves would be held in general contingency and not individual funds
• The motion passed 10–1, with Zylstra voting no
2. Fund Balance Policy
(To view the policy, scroll to page 642.)
• The Summary of Request: “The policy was updated so that all Special Revenue Funds supported by a general operating transfer will only maintain fund balance that is restricted, non-spendable, or committed by separate resolution of the Board of Commissioners. This change will improve transparency regarding General Fund support to Special Revenue Funds because it will always be reflected as a transfer in. Additionally, it will allow for a more accurate calculation of unassigned General Fund dollars.”
• Karasinski explained that, simply, the Fund Balance Policy “really is an effort to consistently treat all General Fund dollars the same”
• The motion passed 10–1, with Commissioner Chris Kleinjans voting no
This was a “first reading” for both policies, meaning they will now move forward to the Board for a “second reading.”
Grant Not Lost, Just A Budget Cleanup
Commissioner Doug Zylstra pulled the Budget Adjustments off the Consent Agenda for further discussion. He needed clarification about why there was a budget adjustment related to a grant from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE).
• The EGLE Grant was $1 million
• Zylstra appeared to be under the impression that this grant was approved for use at Grand Valley State University in June/July of 2023, and then it was moved to Holland
• EGLE denied the grant to Holland
• Environmental Health Supervisor Kim Wolters has applied for an extension on the grant to attempt to move forward with a recycling center in the Allendale area
• For now, the grant must be taken out of the budget to keep the budget clean
• The motion passed unanimously
Annual Reports
The Board heard and accepted three Annual Reports during the meeting.
1. Ottawa County Clerk’s Office 2023 Annual Report
2. West Michigan Enforcement Team 2023 Annual Report
3. Ottawa County Facilities/Maintenance 2023 Annual Report
After a brief break and a recess, the Board of Commissioners focused on the work before them, and the meeting ended without any additional fireworks.
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners
Regular Session
July 9, 2024
Ottawa County Administration Building
12220 Fillmore Street
West Olive, MI 49460