Meeting highlights—Two policy approvals, board/committee appointments, and correction of constitutional misinformation
Published July 26, 2024
Written by Adams
Photography by Simply American
The Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, was calm and productive.
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners
Regular Session
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Policy Approval
The second reading of the Operation Budget Policy and the Fund Balance Policy were the only agenda items on Tuesday.
Operation Budget Policy
• Summary of Request: “With the proposed changes to the Fund Balance policy, the Operating Budget Policy was updated to recognize that the General Fund contingency will need to consider all areas of the budget supported by General Fund operating transfers.”
• Contingency funds are a designated amount of money set aside for unforeseen costs and provide a safety net for emergencies. It is an important part of financial planning. Historically, Ottawa County has allowed up to a 3% contingency fund, although the actual amounts were closer to 1%.
• Commissioner Doug Zylstra needed clarification—as he did with the first reading—on the only addition to the policy, Section IV, A-2, which reads in part: “…and the amount of the contingency will take into consideration all areas of the County budget that is supported by the General Fund”
• Zylstra made a motion to amend the Budget Policy Contingency Fund, under IV. Procedure, number 2, paragraph 2, asking that the “not to exceed” be changed from 3% to 1.5%
• During the discussion, Karen Karasinski reminded the Board that all funds spent must always be approved by the Board
• Commissioner Rebekah Curran asked Karasinski, “What do you feel is the correct number to have on this document?’
• Karasinski responded, “Well, I left it at the 3%”
• Zylstra’s motion failed 9–2, with Zylstra and Commissioner Chris Kleinjans voting yes
Fund Balance Policy
• The Summary of Request: “The policy was updated so that all Special Revenue Funds supported by a general operating transfer will only maintain a fund balance that is restricted, non-spendable, or committed by separate resolution of the Board of Commissioners. This change will improve transparency regarding General Fund support to Special Revenue Funds because it will always be reflected as a transfer in. Additionally, it will allow for a more accurate calculation of unassigned General Fund dollars.”
• The motion passed 11–0
Board/Committee Appointments
During the Consent Resolutions, the Board approved the appointment of twelve Ottawa County citizens.
• The Ottawa County Materials Management Planning Committee received eleven committee appointments
• The Ottawa County Community Action Agency Advisory Board received one
Correcting Constitutional Misinformation
During the second opportunity for public comment, a commenter stated, “The First Amendment does not just grant us free speech…”
At the close of the meeting, Chairman Joe Moss provided a brief update and—in response to the public commenter—reminded citizens that, “The First Amendment does not grant the people free speech. The First Amendment restricts the government from abridging the freedom of speech of the people.”
Chairman Joe Moss gives final remarks at the July 23, 2024, Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting.
The Board of Commissioners meeting was calm and productive on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, with a small reminder that Ottawa County stands as a Constitutional County.
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners
Regular Session
July 23, 2024
Ottawa County Administration Building
12220 Fillmore Street
West Olive, MI 49460