Vote tomorrow in the Presidential Primary
Published February 26, 2024
Written by Simply American
Photography by Simply American
“We do not have a government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” —Thomas Jefferson
“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” —Abraham Lincoln
Michigan Presidential Primary
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Presidential Primary
In 2023 Democrat leaders in Michigan finally were able to move the Presidential Primary from the second Tuesday in March to the fourth Tuesday in February.
In light of the change, Michigan voters need to be ready to vote on February 27, 2024, for the presidential candidate they want on the ballot in November.
For those who did not participate in Early Voting, tomorrow is the day to show up at the polls.
The Ottawa County Elections Division provides voting details. Here at Simply American we feel it’s important to get the information to our readers as well.
• February 27, 2024, is the Michigan Presidential Primary
• Those casting a vote will help choose which candidate will lead their party
• Depending on their district, voters may be voting on local proposals in addition to choosing a presidential candidate
Democratic ballot choices
• Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
• Dean Phillips
• Marianne Williamson
• Uncommitted
Republican ballot choices
• Ryan L. Binkley
• Chris Christie
• Ron DeSantis
• Nikki Haley
• Asa Hutchinson
• Vivek Ramaswamy
• Donald J. Trump
• Uncommitted
Important to note:
Ballots include candidates who dropped out of the race before the February 27, 2024 primary, but whose names already were printed on the ballot.
For example, in the Republican race only Nikki Haley and Donald J. Trump are still in the race. The other five Republican candidates have dropped out.
Local Proposals
There will be proposals on four townships’ ballots.
1. Allendale Township
Allendale Public Schools Operating Millage Renewal Proposal
Shall the currently authorized millage rate limitation of 20.7795 mills ($20.7795 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Allendale Public Schools, Ottawa County, Michigan, be renewed for a period of 4 years, 2025 to 2028, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and 18 mills are levied in 2025 is approximately $4,950,000 (this is a renewal of millage that will expire with the 2024 tax levy)?
2. Park Township
Local Street Repair and Maintenance Millage Renewal and Increase
Shall the expired, previously voted local street repair and improvement millage assessed upon all non-exempt real and personal property (both homestead and non-homestead) within Park Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, be renewed and increased to .5000 mill (Fifty Cents ($.50) of each One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars of Taxable Value), and levied for a period of five (5) years beginning in the 2024 calendar year and ending December 31, 2028, for the purpose of providing funds for local (subdivision type) street and right-of-way repair, resurfacing, improvement, construction and reconstruction? If approved and levied in its entirety in the first calendar year of authorization, this millage would raise an estimated $716,425.
3. Spring Lake Township
Zoning Map Amendment Ordinance Proposition
Shall Zoning Map Amendment Ordinance No. 292 take effect?
4. Wright Township
Fire Protection Millage Proposal: 0.7846 Mills for 4 Years
Shall the previously voted increase in the tax rate limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes in Wright Township of 0.7846 mills ($0.7846 per $1,000 of taxable value), as reduced to 0.7625 mills ($0.7625 per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed and increased by 0.0221 mills ($0.0221 per $1,000 of taxable value) up to a total of 0.7846 mills ($0.7846 per $1,000 of taxable value), and shall Wright Township levy such millage annually for four (4) years, 2024 through 2027, inclusive, to provide funds for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining fire equipment and providing fire protection services within the Township? If approved and levied, this millage would raise an estimated $150,790.68 in the first year of the levy. All or a portion of the revenues from this millage will be disbursed to the Wright-Tallmadge Fire Department. As required by law, a portion of the total revenues from the tax levy will be captured by and disbursed to the Ottawa County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.
Proposal 22-2 New Voting Options
With Prop 22-2 passing in Michigan in 2022, there are a few new voting options.
Early Voting
Voters can chose to cast their ballots early at an Early Voting Center. There are now nine days of early voting in all State and Federal elections. For 2024 that means early voting in February, August, and November.
Absentee Voting
Voters now can cast their absentee ballots in polling places, including any of the four Early Voting Centers or their Election Day location.
Registering to Vote
To vote in any election, you must be registered to vote. You can register in-person at your local clerk’s office with proof of residency through 8pm on Election Day. To register online or by mail, you must register at least 15 days before the election.
More early voting information can be found on the Election Divisions page.
“A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.” —James Freeman Clarke
“A man without a vote is a man without protection.” —Lyndon B. Johnson
Michigan Presidential Primary
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
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