Meeting highlights—Planning and Policy Committee reviews parks and broadband
Published March 13, 2025
Written by Athens
Photography by Simply American
Supporting county parks and improving internet reach, just a couple of the ways commissioners are working to better Ottawa County.
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners
Planning & Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Moving Forward
The morning of March 11, 2025, kicked off with the Planning and Policy Committee meeting. Five of the seven Action Items were introduced and, in rapid succession, unanimously approved to be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners.
1. The creation of a capital project to cover the shuffling of office space and accompanying renovations to the Grand Haven Courthouse.
2. The purchase of an easement related to the Bass River segment of the Idema Explorer Trail.
3. An application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRT) for funding assistance toward the Rosey Mound Expansion Phase 1, which includes improved access and trail connectivity.
4. An application to the MNRT Fund for funding assistance to construct Phase 2 of the Bass River Greenway segment which will include construction of a boardwalk across wetlands and a bridge crossing over Bass River.
5. Authorization for an underground utilities license agreement for West Michigan Park Association for a future residential structure on the currently undeveloped parcel.
The remaining two Action Items also were forwarded to the Board but garnered more discussion.
6. A request to secure a Lease Agreement with T-Mobile Central LLC to install their wireless broadband equipment on the County’s Johnson Street/Robinson Township Communications Tower. T-Mobile would be the fourth carrier to co-locate on this tower.
- Commissioner Allison Miedema asked for clarification on where the revenue from the tower is and how it is used.
- Paul Sachs, Director of Strategic Impact, explained that when partnering with the private sector to construct towers in underserved locations there is a five-year return as carriers pay off the tower. After that, it’s revenue. Since it’s a technological asset for the county, it was understood that those funds would be utilized for technology initiatives to benefit the county as a whole. Sachs explained that the funds have not been formalized to the degree that may be needed, but that was the intent.
- Commissioner Sylvia Rhodea asked if the EMF that comes off the cell towers is being tracked or researched and whether that is thought about as carriers are added. Rhodea explained that she has someone close to her whose family was seriously injured by too much EMF coming off the cell tower near their home.
- Sachs replied that he has not been involved in assessing EMF, but that he would communicate with Tele-Rad’s Mark Kooyers to see what information can be obtained. He assured Rhodea that the tower is not near a school or residences but rather is in a very rural area.
7. A request to authorize the Board Chair and Clerk to sign a letter of intent with 123Net in order to pursue BEAD Grant funding to help expand reliable, high-speed internet to areas currently underserved.
- Miedema asked how many residences still would be left underserved if the expansion goes through. Sachs replied that it could be in the hundreds.
- Miedema asked about potential tower placement. Sachs told her eastern Blendon Township and Chester Township.
- In response to when the work would be complete, Justin Lampen of 123Net said that current plans and projection have them completing quite a bit of the construction this year and into the first part of next year. He added that their method is to design and build it in such a way that residents can benefit right away and not have to wait for the whole project to be complete.
- More information and a timeline can be found at miottawa.org/broadband.
Veterans Department Update
In his department update, Director of Veterans Affairs Jason Schenkel explained a list of changes in his department budget. The impetus was the State recalculating the department’s FY25 MBAA grant, reducing their funding by almost 50%. Instead of receiving $163,000, the department will be funded $87,393.
In response to the reduction, Schenkel put together a grant amendment to show the State how he is reducing each of his initiatives in order to meet that new budget line.
- Transportation initiative, which pays for medical transportation through Hope Network, originally was budgeted $40,000, and he reduced it to $35,000.
- Peacetime emergent funding was $17,000, and he reduced it to $3,000.
- Marketing and Advertising were $36,725, and he reduced it to $1,000.
- Community Outreach was $12,500, and he reduced it to $7,700.
- Accreditation, which is all of their conferences, was $9,627, and he reduced it to $1,400.
- Office Supplies were $500, and he reduced it to $250.
- Office Equipment was $11,500, and he reduced it to $3,661.
2024 Annual Committee Reports
Complete report information can be found in the meeting’s packet.
- Department of Strategic Impact – Director Paul Sachs
- Innovation and Technology Department – Director Paul Klimas
- Parks and Recreation Department – Director Jason Shamblin
- Department of Public Health – Director Adeline Hambley
- Explaining that the Board hadn’t checked in since passing the Vaccine Waiver resolution, Commissioner Miedema asked what the current process is for parents and individuals to receive a vaccine appointment and what information is provided.
- Health Officer Hambley explained that currently the appointment is in-person to meet with a nurse for education before receiving a waiver.
- Hambley shared that Livingston County piloted a program for parents to do an education video module online with a follow-up in-person appointment to have the waiver paperwork signed. Hambley hopes to have a similar option in place by fall.
- Miedema asked if Livingston’s online education videos provide both the risks and the benefits of vaccines.
- Hambley did not yet have that information.
- County Administrator Search Update – Interim County Administrator Gary Rosema
- The Interim Deputy Administrator reassured Commissioners Miedema and Rhodea that there will be County voices on the Search Committee.
- Rosema said it’s important to engage the townships and local units of government on the committee.
- Rhodea said the statutory authority for hiring an administrator lies with the county commissioners, so the commission’s voice needs to be part of the process.
- The Outdoor Discovery Center provided an update from President and COO Dave Nyitray.
March 11, 2025, Ottawa County Planning & Policy Committee meeting.
Being diligent about safety, medical health freedom, efficiency, and statutory authority—a few of the ways commissioners are protecting the residents of Ottawa County.
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners
Planning & Policy Committee
March 11, 2025
Ottawa County Administration Building
12220 Fillmore Street
West Olive, MI 49460