Public voiced opinion on vaccine waivers, veterans, voting machines, and more
Meeting date August 22, 2023
Public comments by Ottawa County Residents
Photography by Simply American
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Many came out on August 22, 2023, to support and speak to the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners.
Public comment topics focused on:
This resolution was an agenda item up for a vote. Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
This resolution was recently passed on May 23, 2023. Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
This also was on the agenda for a vote and, if passed, would allow the Sheriff’s Office to apply for the program and use $52,557 in funds to purchase a long deployment camera trailer. Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
Topics: Jordan Epperson, Lucy Ebel Recall, Childhood Innocence, budget, and general support. Click here to read the public comments regarding these topics.
Following are highlights from some of the public comments heard throughout the evening. The comments are divided by topic.
Public Comment by Dawn B.
I’m here today to support the resolution on Childhood Vaccine Waivers for School and Childcare. We are a government of We the People, but somehow our nation has become lost in the idea that big government will fix all our problems. It seems the more we lean on the bigger government, the more damage is done. The state of our nation in mental and physical health in America today has not been this dire in a long, long time. Repeatedly throughout COVID we’ve been told to, “trust the experts.” We’ve been told to, “trust our government.”
Fast forwarding from the beginning of COVID ‘till now. We know that COVID was manufactured, even though we were told it wasn’t. [We were told]:
• That our government wasn’t involved in censorship, even though it was.
• That Ivermectin was nothing more than a horse medicine, even though it has been prescribed for many conditions from lupus to malaria.
• That masks work, even though they didn’t.
• That the shot was safe and effective, even though we now have a higher non-COVID related mortality rate in modernized nations that pushed the vaccine.
• That lockdowns were healthy, even though it literally contributed to mental illness, long-term academic delays, and failed small businesses that couldn’t survive tyranny.
I’m thankful for statute 333.9215 law right now that guarantees the right for parents to exempt recommended medical procedures on the childhood schedule…
We understand that vaccines were deemed unavoidably unsafe by our own government in 1986, and that there is a long list of adverse events associated with each of these vaccines on the 70 plus dose childhood schedule, such as: Encephalitis, seizures, Bell’s palsy, asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes… Shall I go on?…
I learned from how COVID was handled by both the government and the so-called experts that I’m the best advocate for myself and for my own family. For that reason I applaud this resolution that affirms parental authority and medical decisions over their children. I applaud this resolution that affirms the statutory law that (exists) on the books.
Public Comment by Stephen R.
I support, too, the resolution Childhood Vaccine Waiver for School and Childcare… it comes just in time. COVID restrictions with masked mandates are in the news again—not because of a new variant, but because of the 2024 election. The 2020 card is being played again. The name isn’t about freedom from disease, it’s about an election and control.
Lock down, put on a mask, vote by mail, get a shot, or Grandma will die. Those heavy-handed restrictions… one of the reasons why We the People elected Ottawa Impact. Our story recalls, a group of parents met to replace the county commissioners who refused to protect individual freedoms and parental rights in the face of harsh pandemic restrictions. County employees made threats against innocent citizens and issued mandates to control their daily lives. The Ottawa County Department of Public Health closed a private Christian school and threatened parents with fines and jail time for sending their children to school without masks.
Consequently, the signatories of Ottawa Impact “Contract with Ottawa,” promised to promote and protect liberty and freedom by valuing the people of Ottawa County above the interest of government, corporations, or special interest.
I will boldly take action to thwart tyranny, government overreach, and injustice in Ottawa County, and defend the moral responsibility of parents and legal guardians to maintain control of care and upbringing of their children, which must not be usurped by local government or the government school system. The government’s moral responsibility for children must remain subservient to parents’ rights.
Public Comment by Nate K.
I have noticed through the meetings that have come about that some people are worried about the variants that are coming through, variants for a disease or a virus that is causing disease that is endemic. This is an endemic virus that we are going to face for the rest of our lives.
It would behove the interim Health Director to come with a very detailed compiled PowerPoint presentation explaining the mutations of the proteins on the SARS CoV-2 virus spike protein which enable binding to the ACE2 receptors and thus infection. Once infection is conferred, disease is transmitted. Now I would also like to ask for detailed information as in, the community. What is our disease rate? What is our death rate? What is our infection rate? These vaccinations that we are being given, are they neutralizing vaccinations? Are we developing IgG? Are we developing IgA antibodies? What immunity is being conferred and for how long?
Public Comment by Rachel A.
I’m here to speak in support of your amazing resolution having to do with both parental rights, parental consent, informed medical consent. Parents pride themselves in being the experts on their children…
How can we know everything if we aren’t given informed consent for medical treatments? Before I feed my child anything I look at the ingredient list, and I make an informed choice on whether or not I want to feed that to my kid.
But, when I go to my doctor or to my waiver visit with the Health Department, I was offered no information on any of the vaccines. Nowhere am I ever offered an ingredient list, potential adverse reactions, or how to report an adverse reaction. Unfortunately, my son had a severe adverse reaction to the only vaccine he’s ever received. It was the varicella vaccine, and I was coerced into giving it to my son—against my deeply held religious beliefs—by this Health Department Administration, Marcia Mansaray. Legal action did ensue and I did prove that what was said to me was wrong. However, I did not have the money to bring it to court.
I applaud you for trying to incorporate more transparency in the waiver system for parents so they can make an expert decision on what they think is best for their child. I wasn’t given that for my son. I didn’t know that there are aborted babies used in the manufacturing of the varicella vaccine. Or, that that vaccine was potentially contaminated with aborted fetal DNA, which can increase the likelihood of an adverse reaction, like what my son suffered. So, thank you for promoting medical freedom and informed choice.
This isn’t anti-vax, this is just pro-informed consent. Parents can make the best decisions for their families when they have all the information and that is all this resolution is about…
I’m also the West Michigan director of Outreach for Michigan for vaccine choice. I am the one that helps with those waivers, and I’ve been helping people obtain those waivers for the past several years.
But, one of the warnings we have to give our members is that when they approach the Ottawa County department or Kent County Health Department, is to not allow them to leave with your waiver and make a photocopy.
These waivers are FERPA protected. There is private medical health information on that waiver and is meant only for the school. HIPAA will protect information your doctor has on your behalf. FERPA applies to school, and it concerns me that our Health Department is conveniently offering to email those on behalf of your child to the school. The Health Department should not have a copy of that FERPA-protected document unless if they have obtained a signed permission from the parent to do so. So, please look into that, and make sure that’s being done legally, and that the parents are getting informed consent if they’re choosing to give private protected FERPA information to the Health Department.
Public Comment by Donna M.
I want to thank the Board for standing in between the people and government tyranny. While COVID is real, the hysteria surrounding it was created out of fear with the use of the media. Here we go again, as an order, as the latest fear mongering by U.S. and some state governments and their alphabet conspirators who are currently planning their next “plandemic,” is currently underway. Fool me once shame on you for me twice shame on me.
Public Comment by Karen D.
I’m a mom of five and now a grandmother of two and before COVID I had never ever stepped up to a microphone at a meeting like this. And during COVID, when the mask mandates and everything were trapping our children without smiles, I had to speak up.
I have a daughter in high school who was battling depression. I have a son with Downs Syndrome who could no longer hear because he couldn’t see the faces of the people that were talking to him, nor could they see his smile which is his wonderful joy to so many.
So, here I am again today, wanting to support parental rights and the vaccine exemptions.
I felt helpless to help my kids, and I don’t want to feel that way ever again. And, I don’t want my kids and my grandchildren to be subject to control by a government who doesn’t necessarily have their best interest in mind.
So, I just give you my support to vote forward any opportunity to give rights back to parents.
Public Comment by Mike L.
I’m the west side advocacy director for the Michigan for Vaccine Choice organization it’s a non-profit. It’s been around almost 30 years… We Michigan parents have a right to choose if we get our children vaccinated…
I’ll just share this as an example a … State of Michigan—you can find this on the [state of Michigan] website, for vaccines—says vaccines required for entry into school in Michigan. And what else can you see? In very small print at the bottom—you can barely read it—it’s the waiver. You can get a waiver. It’s been around for a number of years, and we’re very happy that that it does exist. And why does this matter?… Again, informed consent. We’ve talked about that a little bit tonight. Vaccines do have risks. One thing a lot of people may not know—even though it was mentioned earlier today—is in 1986 our government was given complete immunity of liability of any injury, death from vaccines. So, I guess another question I have is what would motivate somebody, a vaccine manufacturer, to do anything about, to improve their product for safety? That’s something maybe we should think about. And, what other products are out in the world that completely get rid of any kind of liability? I can’t think of one. If you have one, please let me know. This is why we promote choice…
That’s why I’m representing here tonight, that the Board for Michigan for Vaccine Choice supports this resolution…
And I would ask you and leave you with this: don’t forget to read the fine print.
In 1959 I was able to go to kindergarten because I got a vaccination, and that’s one of the firsts, way back then. The doctor and my mother and father were the ones that were there and made the decision for me to have this. The doctor was the same one that came to our house when I was sick. We trusted him, and with his knowledge as well, at the time.
Let’s fast forward to COVID and the intimidations that I felt from doctors and other health officials, saying that I was spreading the disease and what it meant to me as being elderly, as well—that I was hurting other people and hurting myself.
I’m so thankful I had knowledge enough to make that decision for myself. I did not get the shot, and switched doctors. Asked my doctor if he would get the shot. He said no way, because it had not been proven.
So, I want to thank you for what you’re doing protecting the children because the next thing they did after they intimidated us, was made it clear that our children needed it, and infants needed it. And I was horrified to think that a drug that they hadn’t tested completely, long range, was going to be given to our children. That’s up to the parents to make those decisions.
Public Comment by Bonnie E.
I’m speaking from my heart. I am first of all a follower of Jesus Christ, secondly I’m a wife, thirdly I’m a mother to four children. God has set up the family to be mother, father, and children. He’s shown that in the natural order that it takes a mother and a father to make children. It does not take a community to make children. So, from the natural order, and also from the Bible, God never gives instructions to the community to raise the children. He only gives instructions to the parents…
It’s not the government’s responsibility to make decisions for and to have responsibility for my children—that’s mine and my husband’s.
Public Comment by Ronnie A.
I want to show my support for the resolution to promote informed decisions regarding childhood vaccines. In light of COVID and all the government overreach, and the vaccine health crisis that followed, and the culture war over gender issues, it’s become obvious that there is a goal to subvert parental values and influence over even our young children.
Thomas Sowell wrote in the 90s about the cycle of failure, which has been used on various fronts in our culture to grow government, both in size and scope. The strategy was used during COVID, and it has had the outcome of growing government control. One example of this failure is the war on poverty. What started as a plan to increase people’s individual well being and decrease their dependence on the government, the “war on poverty” had the ultimate outcome of growing subsidies and increasing dependence on the federal government, which in response grew in size and scope. But rather than being empirically scrutinized leading to a change of course, it was recycled as another problem for government to solve, as if there was no other alternative.
Another example of the strategy is sex ed, which was originally promoted to the public as a solution to a very complex problem that only “experts” could understand. The original goal of lowering the rates of STDs and out-of-wedlock babies was not met. Then, like poverty, the failed outcome manufactured a need for more aggressive solutions leading to promotion of abortion and remodeling of the American moral landscape.
The tactics of redefining language, reframing statistics, using anecdotal emotional appeals, and taking advantage of our short memories and our desire for material comforts are used. Reframing failed outcomes as relative successes compared with what they could have been, has also been a useful strategy. Then history, rewritten by our media, repeats itself. What happened during COVID and what is playing out in our culture is more of the same, and it is clear that our kids and our bodies are the last front.
This resolution hardly walks back the damage done to individual rights over the past century. However, it does allow for more informed decisions on the part of parents as they care for their children as God intended in loving families. And, hopefully, will result in a more informed responsible population, whether fully vaccinated or not.
Public Comment by Becka T.
I am here to address the resolution to continue to allow vaccine waivers and to show my support. I come before you as a mom of three beautiful children who God has placed me to be the protector of. I have three children with three different health journey stories.
My oldest daughter was fully vaccinated; my second child was vaccine-injured at four months. He was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, which is a side effect of the rotavirus vaccine. The statistics of him contracting Kawasaki disease are very minimal, but still he was affected. Immediately after his four-month vaccines he came down with fevers reaching to 104.5. He was lethargic, vomiting, high-pitched screaming, and was inconsolable to be put down. We were sent home from two ERs and finally admitted to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital on day nine. He was within the 10-day window to receive IVI treatment that spared his life. He was unable to receive any vaccines following his diagnosis.
After digging into the health risk of vaccines, we made the decision to not vaccinate our third child. Not everyone can handle vaccines. My child does not pass the toxins and is unable to receive any vaccines moving forward.
I trusted the government. I didn’t know there was other options. I thought I was doing what was best for my child. After his vaccine injury I read the fine print side, the short hand list they give you at the doctors office. Side affects include death, coma, and seizure. Thankfully my children are all healthy and thriving, and still on this side of Heaven.
Sadly, I’ve learned that you have to be an advocate for your own child, and I am the only one who can protect them from the government [that] has failed me and my children, and I need to stand up for them. Everyone has the choice to vaccinate their children, and there is no judgment to anyone who chooses to vaccinate their children. I have been there, and sadly most of the time you don’t realize how damaging vaccines can be until you are directly affected by the injury. All parents have the right to choose what’s best for their children. My damaged child was also not able to handle wearing a mask.
One week before my children were to start the 20-21 fall school year at an Ottawa County private school, Ottawa County imposed mask mandates for all schools, including private schools. This was not a Michigan mandate. It was a county-by-county choice.
We had to make the hard decision to start looking elsewhere for school options. Sadly, Ottawa County did not allow private schools to make their own decisions regarding masks. The government overreach was disheartening. I started immediately deep diving into different school options. Surprisingly, what I found was that Kent County was lenient on private schools making their own choices. We made the tough decision to move our children to a private school in Kent County for the year. We knew that it would be hard, but we knew also that we needed to stand up for what we believed in and what God has called us to do. Where He leads us, He will not leave us.
We chose a school that made this statement regarding the mass mandate: As a school we believe that no one knows their child’s needs physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally better than the parents. Parents should always have the right to choose what’s best for their children. We were able to move our children back… we pray that you will continue allowing the vaccine waiver so that my children can continue to educate here.
Public Comment by David M.
This great country, that is the greatest country in the world, has squandered its integrity when it comes to vaccines, because money is all that has become of the issue anymore. There was a day that an American citizen knew that a vaccine that was provided for the citizens would be good and honored, and had nothing to fear but fear itself. Those days are long gone.
I want to remind everybody—and I believe it was in the 50s or 60s, as again, I said I didn’t plan to talk—there’s a group of black individuals, men, who were given the syphilis disease so they could be monitored to see once how the affect, it has on them. Deliberate. By the United States government. This wonderful, greatest country in the world, and after all, they wouldn’t do anything wrong, would they? So, I guess to answer the racial equity thing, it should have been a third, a third and a third, or whatever, equally made up of all races, right? Then it would have been okay. Not hardly.
It’s never all right for this country to destroy the citizens for its own well being, or for money, and it’s time we remember that. That’s why we are where we are today.
I approve this mandate for parents having a waiver. The fact is, no information is given. I’m a nurse and in the hospital we stick needles in people without their permission. We do unbelievable things in the medical society. And for our children, if we add up all the vaccines they get from birth to 18, it is 100. 100 shots. Not just the shot’s, the vaccine that has three or four. And none of them have been tested to be safe, none of them…
Why does a newborn need a hepatitis b shot? They’re not sexually active. Now if the mother has it, it’s a lifesaver for the child. But most mothers don’t have it, and so we are damaging children the day of birth by putting poison in their system. They’re full of heavy metals. They’re full of additives that our body isn’t made to handle.
And, the rate of autism by 2030 will be one in two children. That’s what’s estimated. That autistic rate is going higher and higher every year because they’re little brains can’t handle all the pollution that we’re putting in it.
Thank you very much for what you’re doing.
Public Comment by Geri M.
I’m totally in support of making this [the vaccine] voluntary. If you want to get your kids vaccinated, that’s up to you. And, if you want to opt out, that’s me, so also up to you. I don’t know what vaccine laws were like in the Netherlands when I was born. The only thing I know of when we came for sure, we had to get smallpox. Other than that, I don’t know.
I had mumps, measles and… chicken pox. I survived them all, and I haven’t gotten any since. So, I didn’t need the vaccine. You take the disease, and you’re good to go. So, I think it should be as we’re looking into more mandates, people are already saying there’s going to be new things coming, and there’s going to be more restrictions, and masking, and all that.
And, I just appreciate being a constitutional county—that it’s our choice whether we want to comply with these things or not.
If you want to get a vaccine, my brother-in-law died within weeks after his second shot because of what this COVID vaccine did to his body. My sister has a permanent, at 95, a permanent vaccine injury because of her second shot. So, it’s your chance if you want to take it, but it should also be your choice.
Thank you very much. [I] appreciate all the things that you guys do, totally. I know you get a lot of flack, but I appreciate your courage, I appreciate your stance, and I appreciate what you’re doing for this county. And, nobody ever did the scrutiny of previous commissions like y’all are getting scrutinized, and I think that should be noted.
Public Comment by Bruce G.
As was stated earlier, there are no double blinds. There are no placebo testing of vaccines because, as most of us know, since 1986 our good President Reagan did lots of great things but one thing he did wrong was to sign away any liability from any vaccine manufacturer. They don’t have to prove science. They don’t have to be financially liable. They’re raking in the profits, and the American taxpayer has to pay for those people who are injured. And, that’s no compensation for those individuals anyhow.
Please support all citizens. Support those resolutions of parental choice, waivers for vaccines. Like they stated, there’s over 100 now. When I was born in 1953, there were only about three. The times have changed, for not the better.
Public Comment by Darlene D.
I just have some questions and all of them are probably just rhetorical questions. Thank you for supporting that [waiver resolution]. Why should a parent even need a waiver for something like this? We don’t want or need government approval as to whether we inoculate our children. That just does not make sense.
Number 2, but wasn’t it the Health Department, I might be wrong on this, wasn’t it the Health Department that shut down Libertas a couple years ago? And, if that’s the case, why should we even trust the Health Department to approve or deny a waiver request? I think that’s a very, very dangerous place to be. So, it’ll all rest on the Health Department as to whether my child or anyone’s child could get the “approval” to avoid to get a waiver.
Public Comment by Kristen M. K.
Thank you for passing this resolution. I agree with Darlene. I don’t even know why a waiver’s needed. Just so everyone knows, you can get past the waiver, and if anyone wants to know, message me. This applies for all states. As being in the military for a long time I’ve always exempted my children from vaccines. But, one thing I want to explain is, our Health Department has zero personnel credentialed to even give the risk and benefits. That is because healthcare providers have the goal to treat. People in my profession protect.
So, let me just tell you something. Asbestos is a fire retardant; it’s chemical resistant. Haylon is fire suppressant; it’s highly toxic. There are things that can work, but we have to look at how that impacts the human body. So, I am not anti-vaccine, I am anti injecting neuro toxins, carcinogens and reproductive health hazards into tiny human bodies that cannot consent, and calling it preventive health… is insane to me as an exposure scientist of 21 years. And, there’s people in the comments that call me a janitor because they think an industrial hygienist is a janitor. I have a background in toxicology, I have four science degrees, and my fellow toxicologist friend, her name is Ashley Everly, has a website. It’s just, and it gives you very simple information on the risks and benefits, and the financial incentives.
But I just want to say, that if I’m required by law for OSHA to engineer out the very same hazards that are housed as toxicants inside of vaccines, do we not see a problem here?
There is formaldehyde, there’s heavy metals. And, when I hear people preach about how I need to do a duty and not be selfish for my community? I’ll be open here. I had a stroke from a vaccine on active duty. My husband who spoke here also has an injury from the anthrax vaccine. Neither of us have vaccinated our 19 year-old and 7 year-old daughters. Why? Because we looked at human and genetic factors…
But [I have] a massive issue with the Health Department because you have too many people putting out graphics that have no experience in the information they’re sharing, and it makes me completely irate. I don’t want a job in your health department, Mr. Moss, but I will always be here as an ad hoc professional, and I can guide you toward those experts in toxicology, virology, and epidemiology.
So, I stand here not as a scientist but as a vaccine-injured parent, and it completely infuriates me those graphics that I’m seeing because they say those exemptions as existed, but they didn’t advertise it. Just like school exemptions. Exempt your kids from standardized testing because you can.
Public Comment by Denise J.
I’m beyond grateful that you approved your resolution regarding vaccine waiver rights. When our welfare, Medicare parents go to the Health Department, let’s make sure that they know as well that they have a right to the waivers. I think there’s a common—I could be wrong—but I think there’s a common thought out there that I’ve got to vaccinate to keep my medical or financial benefits… Make sure that’s served with a smile and, you know, respected as much as anyone else.
The Resolution On Honoring Our Heroes Of Freedom
Public Comment by Nate K.
I just wanted to come and show my support to you, the Board, for your veterans resolution. I’m absolutely 100% on board with this, and I know that majority of the veterans in our county are on board with this. We do come out of the military and we are seeking help, help that we are not able to receive through the VA quickly. The VSOs are extremely overlooked. They have veterans coming from my wartime and previous wartimes that they are trying to catch up on.
We have needs that are not actually being met. We are being set to the side. We would look to the County for extra help. This help could come in the fact of: once we get out of the military we need help transitioning, we need to know where we can get jobs, we need to know where we can get medical care, we need to know who is out here to support us. After that we need to know how to apply for our benefits that we were able to receive from our injuries received in combat, such as myself who’s 80% disabled. I needed to know where I apply and how I apply to receive my rating after I got blown up in combat.
Younger people need this help. There’s also the older veterans. The older veterans are trying to navigate a system on computers that is becoming more and more difficult. They need classes, they need education, and they need help. They need somebody to sit with them and be like, excuse me, sir; I understand what you’re going through. Let’s work through this together, thus bringing forward an extracurricular group or somebody else who can help assist with these VSOs, would help tremendously.
Public Comment by Kristen M. K.
Thank you for recognizing veterans in our community. I bring a different angle to this, appreciation as a disabled veteran, 100% rated. I am also a former VA employee. I was a GS-12 and have worked with veterans and navigated the issues and confusion related to the VBA and VHA. I have done pro bono since 2011 for veterans regarding their claims. And, I’ve heard from veterans from all political spectrums including older veterans, even from the Korean War. I am not claiming to speak for all veterans but I can make you commonalities from veterans I have worked with, from varying backgrounds and experiences.
I appreciate you reading the fine print on grants and pausing to ensure you are not violating the privacy rights of mental health patients. There are many reasons veterans deny seeking counselling and utilizing benefits. Too often funds go unused due to the regular run-of-the-mill, closed or uncomfortable setting of off-white walls, ungrabbed pamphlets, and fear of being viewed as crazy. They’re also unaware of how to navigate the VA and what benefits they qualify for.
The veterans I have worked with feel there should be counselling and therapy out of the customary setting that falters as self-guided, supervisory-lead group outing with fellow veterans who can relate to others at their own comfort level. There are opportunities to echo neighboring communities, but we can be fiscally responsible by moving this whole action under the Health Department.
Common issues veterans face are transitions, meaning healthy relationships due to triggers, delayed care, being over-medicated, astronomical wait times to obtain administrative or medical support, and being mocked for issues than cannot be seen or visible. Additionally, we cannot forget the spouses of veterans who bear the brunt of the frustration of veterans, feeling forgotten or passed around until they give up, But, I do want to thank the current VSO and other veteran support in our community because they need more supportive staff.
Public Comment by Joel B.
I served in the Marine Corps. I got out right before 9/11. They tried to get me to come back, and I decided that it wasn’t for me anymore I do have a lot of friends that are actually still serving there looking at 30 years in, and you know, seeing what some of them have gone through, seeing what my father has gone through… He was a Vietnam vet. He has now Parkinson’s and he’s working with the VA, and I cannot believe the amount of work and struggle on working with him. He doesn’t understand computers, technology. What he has to go through to try to get approved for disability… To have a place where I could actually go nearby in Ottawa County would be amazing. I support this resolution.
And, to kind of piggyback off from this with the vaccines that I was injected with. I had no informed consent I went through a line with 99 guys behind me, got pricked, poked, shot with who knows what. I didn’t ask any questions, and I didn’t get an opportunity to ask. And, a lot of these veterans are experiencing side effects from these vaccines. How long did it take for Agent Orange to be listed as something that caused a problem? Dow, Monsanto didn’t want to agree to any terms and big corporations aren’t going to just bow down and say they made a mistake.
And, now we look at what Gulf War syndrome could be, side effect from the anthrax vaccine, which was given to troops without their consent, without testing. Project 112, or Shad, was biological warfare testing done on Navy and Army people serving at sea, without their knowledge. This stuff happens and…
I applaud the efforts that the Commissioners are taking to give that choice to parents for informed consent. I support the resolution to support our veterans. It’s high time we get more support for them in Ottawa County… Over 13,000 veterans a year committing suicide, and it’s time for that to stop.
Public Comment by P. J. M.
Thank you so very much for the opportunity to speak on behalf of myself and other veterans. Just to put it simply, I spent 25 years with US Army Special Forces, retired 17 years ago. It took 10 years to receive the disability rating that I have now. I was shot twice, blown up once. I spent a cumulative of nine years in combat, and it should not take 10 years. This is with five different states, 11 different VA facilities.
Finally the Grand Rapids VA facility did some sort of help. They sent me with a PTSD coordinator, a 25 year-old female who had just finished school, a clinical psychologist. And she said, “I’m here to help you, Sergeant Muir.” Well, there was little no help, God love her for trying. But your proposal, your resolution to open an Ottawa County office is imperative. We shouldn’t have to travel to Wyoming, to seek people that don’t know what they’re doing. The VA system itself is wonderful. It’s old, but it’s wonderful. The problem is we have uneducated, untrained people running the system who think that that’s their system, it’s their money to give out to the veterans as they see fit, regardless of what paperwork is done improperly or properly.
So here’s the steps to do it: You go there, you sign a 1010 EZ form, you bring a copy of your marriage certificate, children’s birth certificates, if they’re still living at home, and a copy of what’s called your DD214. They then at that time put you in a category one through eight to tell you what your category of medical benefits are. Then you’re supposed to go up to the veteran service office and meet with one of them, either from the DAV, the VFW, American Legion, and they’re going to tell you how they can help you with the benefits, whether it be disability benefits, school, college, whatever.
That doesn’t happen. And it doesn’t happen in that order. Unfortunately, many of the guys that are trying to follow that system don’t understand it. Like the Kellys said, and like Corporal Buck and them said, it’s a system that is so high tech, but there’s no training for it. You can’t go to the VA and they’re going to say OK we’re going to sit down with your computer here and help you fill out this form. They give you a handwritten form, tell you to take it home, fill it out, and come back. They don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know how to fill that form out.
So, if we could get that open, that would be the best thing that you could do for these veterans in this county. And I applaud you for it and I pray to God that we can get this through and thank you for what you all do for this county. God bless you all.
Public Comment by Geri M.
Your support of veterans, I just think that this is something that’s so necessary. You know my family… they lived through the occupation in the Netherlands in World War II and it was soldiers that came from across the ocean and brought freedom back to my country. And, all the wars that we’ve had since where American young men and women go to bring freedom to other countries. And, when they come back they’re sometimes spit on, sometimes discarded. We welcome people, illegal people, coming across the border, and we take care of them better than we take care of our veterans.
So, I applaud you for taking this action, to take care of the men that have given their lives for this country, that it took to go to foreign shores and give freedom to other people. Some of it’s a little questionable these days, is what we’re learning, but still; on the other hand, they go.
Public Comment by J. P. M.
Thankfully this current county Board has shown it is willing to do right and not just be a rubber stamp for higher levels of government and Washington D.C. and Lansing, which have shown they cannot be trusted. So, it is more important than ever that local governments stand in the gap. One central concern here is corrupt election system in this state and nationwide. Just recently it was revealed that in neighboring Muskegon County around 10,000 fraudulent ballot applications were submitted by Democrat-connected GBI Strategies in 2020. The Michigan police report suggests GBI was engaged in widespread systemic voter fraud in multiple locations. Yet, there have been no indictments. is uncovering how the Michigan qualified voter file is filled with unqualified voters fed by the Democrat connected ERIC system. The election Integrity scorecard of shows there is material problem even here in Ottawa County. For this and other reasons I question whether Ottawa County can even properly process a recall effort of Commissioner Ebel. Go to and see for yourself. Michigan State Senator and former Secretary of State Ruth Johnson has estimated that over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan.
In his book, The 2020 Coup, former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck documents the many irregularities and illegalities perpetrated in the 2020 election, such as the 4 a.m. drop off of many ballots in the TCF Center in Detroit. Bob Cushman has documented in his book, Michigan’s Corruption Explained, the massive campaign money laundering benefiting various Democrat campaigns. O’Keefe Media Group has confirmed the money laundering and election watches presented evidence much of the money originates in communist China. We know through Elon Musk that the FBI has engaged in criminal interference in national elections…
County by county we need public hearings to expose the corruption and fraud. Take what measures we can to address them… and get right what needs to be right.
Public Comment by Gary K.
Many people are concerned about election Integrity, especially with the national disaster of 2020. Even if everything was correct and error-free, we all need to feel we can trust to have a clean election. Without confidence and accuracy, there will also be no trust in the elected officials.
Addressing this concern, I feel anyone who really is concerned about something also has some ideas about how to correct it, and here are my ideas. I think we should have an audit of all precincts in the county, including absentee… At a certain percent, say 5%, would be manually recounted, not simply run back through the tabulators. The precincts could be selected manually in a fish bowl thing. The auditors should be from election inspectors of other jurisdictions. And the result of the audit, if not within a predetermined margin of error, then the entire county needs to be manually audited.
This is my idea. I don’t know if it’s the only one that’s viable. I think it’s worth you guys considering. And, if you decide to do anything on it, I would be honored to assist on any committee you would like.
Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant
Public Comment by Michael K.
I want to address the pending resolution to apply for a grant from the federal DOJ. I am referring to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program. I do not want to suggest that the proposed use of the grant money is without merit, quite the contrary. I am, however, concerned about the stated objectives of the grant program itself, and what might be inferred from an Ottawa County application for funds from that program.
One of the several objectives of this grant program is promotion of so-called “racial equity.” I know what is what is meant by racial equality, and I support it. In a nutshell racial equality means that racial characteristics play no role whatsoever in the assessment of individuals. And, I know what racial means. It refers to the superficial characteristics that distinguish various groups of individual human beings, such as so-called whites and blacks and yellows and reds, etc.
And I know what equity means. Again, in a nutshell, equity means you get what you deserve. But, I have no idea what racial equity means. Surely it does not mean that certain groups of human beings are deserving, or not, of anything. This nation is founded on the notion of individual rights and responsibilities, not on group rights and responsibilities. And most certainly, its ideals do not embrace distinguishing groups based on such superficial characteristics as a race.
So I ask this of you, Mr. Chair, and of the entire Board, what exactly do you understand this objective of the program to be, and why might you endorse it by applying for a grant from this program?
Public Comment by David M.
I can respect and understand the sheriff’s concerns and how he solved the problem, or at least helped take care of the problem. I’m looking at something that’s greater than that. Allendale didn’t used to have to be a city where you had to have cameras to monitor its citizens so that illegal activity didn’t take place. I question, Big Brother looking over my shoulders every time I go anywhere, is the answer to all my problems. I believe there’s a bigger issue at hand.
What is the organization that’s bringing all this kind of stuff to Allendale? Where is it coming from? Is it from within or from without? I believe it’s from without. I don’t believe watching me is the answer. We need to address what’s taking place: the drugs, legalizing marijuana—you can say what you want to, but it has not done anything positive for this community. And for Allendale Township, I question Grand Valley State College, and what it’s done, and why it doesn’t introduce Class 101 – How to be a Citizen of this Community—the most important class that any of these kids should take. I was up ‘till about three in the morning listening to parties going on that are over three miles away. No, I’m not making it up. Come over sometime on a Friday or Saturday night, and you can listen. I’m just saying. And, don’t sell your soul for $50,000.
Jordan Epperson, New Assistant To John Gibbs
Public Comment by Kristen M. K.
I support the hiring of Jordan Epperson. Jordan was recently attacked for social media posts before he enlisted in the marines, before he found his faith and purpose. I know Jordan to be a highly organized and very dedicated worker who is passionate about upholding his oath.
Public Comment by Donna M.
I ‘m also here to support the hiring of Jordan Epperson to the position of Mr Gibbs’s assistant. I feel for our young people today living out their youthful mistakes in the public eye through social media. And, I’m pretty sure that most of the people criticizing this young man’s old social media post did not live out their youthful mistakes publicly. I’m also pretty sure that until the new Ottawa Impact endorsed members took their seats, old social media post by potential new hires weren’t a concern to these outraged people. I’m also certain that these folks sharing their selective outrage over Mr Epperson’s social media posts are the same people who voted for, and were willing to pay tax dollars to, Lucy Ebel’s failed opponent—despite his barrage of racist and violent attacks against others on social media. Your selective outrage lends you zero credibility.
If we’re going to scrutinize this new hire’s old media post and demand he’s denied a job, then perhaps we should be scrutinizing all County employees personal social media posts. We might find something interesting like insubordination in Marcia Mansaray’s social media post on a site called Committee to Recall Lucy Ebel, where she’s so eager to donate her time to that effort she asked about knocking on doors to see if we can come back once the petition beats appeal.
Public Comment by Rachel A.
I’d like to speak in support of Mr Jordan Epperson working for you. The reason I feel compelled to speak is ‘cause I hear people attacking him in the first public comment. And, I also enjoyed reading four hit pieces by the Holland Sentinel on an assistant that seemed to rely on teenage tweets.
I would like [you] to know from personal experience that I’ve been working with Jordan Epperson for the House of Representatives, one-on-one managing an office for a house representative since January and his work is impeccable. I have never seen a harder worker who is more diligent and more committed. I also saw him serve veterans that were contacting our office that needed assistance at the state level.
Jordan’s ability to advocate for constituents is unmatched by anyone else I’ve ever met in the office. Jordan also worked more hours every week than any other House employee who works for the House of Representatives. The work ethic of this young man is admirable and the fact that he’s being thrown under the bus because they took teenage tweets out of context, doesn’t represent his morality. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t put up with crap. Jordan is not a misogynist. If I ever worked with someone who is insulting to me as a mother, a wife, a woman, or a human being, I would call them out. Teenage tweets don’t represent the morality or the work ethic of this young man, and you are lucky to have stolen him from the House of Representatives to come and work for Ottawa County.
Public Comment
Public voiced opinion on vaccine waivers, veterans, voting machines, and more
Meeting date August 22, 2023
Public comments by Ottawa County Residents
Photography by Simply American
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Many came out on August 22, 2023, to support and speak to the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners.
Public comment topics focused on:
This resolution was an agenda item up for a vote. Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
This resolution was recently passed on May 23, 2023. Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
This also was on the agenda for a vote and, if passed, would allow the Sheriff’s Office to apply for the program and use $52,557 in funds to purchase a long deployment camera trailer. Click here to read the public comments regarding this topic.
Topics: Jordan Epperson, Lucy Ebel Recall, Childhood Innocence, budget, and general support. Click here to read the public comments regarding these topics.
Following are highlights from some of the public comments heard throughout the evening. The comments are divided by topic.
Public Comment by Dawn B.
I’m here today to support the resolution on Childhood Vaccine Waivers for School and Childcare. We are a government of We the People, but somehow our nation has become lost in the idea that big government will fix all our problems. It seems the more we lean on the bigger government, the more damage is done. The state of our nation in mental and physical health in America today has not been this dire in a long, long time. Repeatedly throughout COVID we’ve been told to, “trust the experts.” We’ve been told to, “trust our government.”
Fast forwarding from the beginning of COVID ‘till now. We know that COVID was manufactured, even though we were told it wasn’t. [We were told]:
• That our government wasn’t involved in censorship, even though it was.
• That Ivermectin was nothing more than a horse medicine, even though it has been prescribed for many conditions from lupus to malaria.
• That masks work, even though they didn’t.
• That the shot was safe and effective, even though we now have a higher non-COVID related mortality rate in modernized nations that pushed the vaccine.
• That lockdowns were healthy, even though it literally contributed to mental illness, long-term academic delays, and failed small businesses that couldn’t survive tyranny.
I’m thankful for statute 333.9215 law right now that guarantees the right for parents to exempt recommended medical procedures on the childhood schedule…
We understand that vaccines were deemed unavoidably unsafe by our own government in 1986, and that there is a long list of adverse events associated with each of these vaccines on the 70 plus dose childhood schedule, such as: Encephalitis, seizures, Bell’s palsy, asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes… Shall I go on?…
I learned from how COVID was handled by both the government and the so-called experts that I’m the best advocate for myself and for my own family. For that reason I applaud this resolution that affirms parental authority and medical decisions over their children. I applaud this resolution that affirms the statutory law that (exists) on the books.
Public Comment by Stephen R.
I support, too, the resolution Childhood Vaccine Waiver for School and Childcare… it comes just in time. COVID restrictions with masked mandates are in the news again—not because of a new variant, but because of the 2024 election. The 2020 card is being played again. The name isn’t about freedom from disease, it’s about an election and control.
Lock down, put on a mask, vote by mail, get a shot, or Grandma will die. Those heavy-handed restrictions… one of the reasons why We the People elected Ottawa Impact. Our story recalls, a group of parents met to replace the county commissioners who refused to protect individual freedoms and parental rights in the face of harsh pandemic restrictions. County employees made threats against innocent citizens and issued mandates to control their daily lives. The Ottawa County Department of Public Health closed a private Christian school and threatened parents with fines and jail time for sending their children to school without masks.
Consequently, the signatories of Ottawa Impact “Contract with Ottawa,” promised to promote and protect liberty and freedom by valuing the people of Ottawa County above the interest of government, corporations, or special interest.
I will boldly take action to thwart tyranny, government overreach, and injustice in Ottawa County, and defend the moral responsibility of parents and legal guardians to maintain control of care and upbringing of their children, which must not be usurped by local government or the government school system. The government’s moral responsibility for children must remain subservient to parents’ rights.
Public Comment by Nate K.
I have noticed through the meetings that have come about that some people are worried about the variants that are coming through, variants for a disease or a virus that is causing disease that is endemic. This is an endemic virus that we are going to face for the rest of our lives.
It would behove the interim Health Director to come with a very detailed compiled PowerPoint presentation explaining the mutations of the proteins on the SARS CoV-2 virus spike protein which enable binding to the ACE2 receptors and thus infection. Once infection is conferred, disease is transmitted. Now I would also like to ask for detailed information as in, the community. What is our disease rate? What is our death rate? What is our infection rate? These vaccinations that we are being given, are they neutralizing vaccinations? Are we developing IgG? Are we developing IgA antibodies? What immunity is being conferred and for how long?
Public Comment by Rachel A.
I’m here to speak in support of your amazing resolution having to do with both parental rights, parental consent, informed medical consent. Parents pride themselves in being the experts on their children…
How can we know everything if we aren’t given informed consent for medical treatments? Before I feed my child anything I look at the ingredient list, and I make an informed choice on whether or not I want to feed that to my kid.
But, when I go to my doctor or to my waiver visit with the Health Department, I was offered no information on any of the vaccines. Nowhere am I ever offered an ingredient list, potential adverse reactions, or how to report an adverse reaction. Unfortunately, my son had a severe adverse reaction to the only vaccine he’s ever received. It was the varicella vaccine, and I was coerced into giving it to my son—against my deeply held religious beliefs—by this Health Department Administration, Marcia Mansaray. Legal action did ensue and I did prove that what was said to me was wrong. However, I did not have the money to bring it to court.
I applaud you for trying to incorporate more transparency in the waiver system for parents so they can make an expert decision on what they think is best for their child. I wasn’t given that for my son. I didn’t know that there are aborted babies used in the manufacturing of the varicella vaccine. Or, that that vaccine was potentially contaminated with aborted fetal DNA, which can increase the likelihood of an adverse reaction, like what my son suffered. So, thank you for promoting medical freedom and informed choice.
This isn’t anti-vax, this is just pro-informed consent. Parents can make the best decisions for their families when they have all the information and that is all this resolution is about…
I’m also the West Michigan director of Outreach for Michigan for vaccine choice. I am the one that helps with those waivers, and I’ve been helping people obtain those waivers for the past several years.
But, one of the warnings we have to give our members is that when they approach the Ottawa County department or Kent County Health Department, is to not allow them to leave with your waiver and make a photocopy.
These waivers are FERPA protected. There is private medical health information on that waiver and is meant only for the school. HIPAA will protect information your doctor has on your behalf. FERPA applies to school, and it concerns me that our Health Department is conveniently offering to email those on behalf of your child to the school. The Health Department should not have a copy of that FERPA-protected document unless if they have obtained a signed permission from the parent to do so. So, please look into that, and make sure that’s being done legally, and that the parents are getting informed consent if they’re choosing to give private protected FERPA information to the Health Department.
Public Comment by Donna M.
I want to thank the Board for standing in between the people and government tyranny. While COVID is real, the hysteria surrounding it was created out of fear with the use of the media. Here we go again, as an order, as the latest fear mongering by U.S. and some state governments and their alphabet conspirators who are currently planning their next “plandemic,” is currently underway. Fool me once shame on you for me twice shame on me.
Public Comment by Karen D.
I’m a mom of five and now a grandmother of two and before COVID I had never ever stepped up to a microphone at a meeting like this. And during COVID, when the mask mandates and everything were trapping our children without smiles, I had to speak up.
I have a daughter in high school who was battling depression. I have a son with Downs Syndrome who could no longer hear because he couldn’t see the faces of the people that were talking to him, nor could they see his smile which is his wonderful joy to so many.
So, here I am again today, wanting to support parental rights and the vaccine exemptions.
I felt helpless to help my kids, and I don’t want to feel that way ever again. And, I don’t want my kids and my grandchildren to be subject to control by a government who doesn’t necessarily have their best interest in mind.
So, I just give you my support to vote forward any opportunity to give rights back to parents.
Public Comment by Mike L.
I’m the west side advocacy director for the Michigan for Vaccine Choice organization it’s a non-profit. It’s been around almost 30 years… We Michigan parents have a right to choose if we get our children vaccinated…
I’ll just share this as an example a … State of Michigan—you can find this on the [state of Michigan] website, for vaccines—says vaccines required for entry into school in Michigan. And what else can you see? In very small print at the bottom—you can barely read it—it’s the waiver. You can get a waiver. It’s been around for a number of years, and we’re very happy that that it does exist. And why does this matter?… Again, informed consent. We’ve talked about that a little bit tonight. Vaccines do have risks. One thing a lot of people may not know—even though it was mentioned earlier today—is in 1986 our government was given complete immunity of liability of any injury, death from vaccines. So, I guess another question I have is what would motivate somebody, a vaccine manufacturer, to do anything about, to improve their product for safety? That’s something maybe we should think about. And, what other products are out in the world that completely get rid of any kind of liability? I can’t think of one. If you have one, please let me know. This is why we promote choice…
That’s why I’m representing here tonight, that the Board for Michigan for Vaccine Choice supports this resolution…
And I would ask you and leave you with this: don’t forget to read the fine print.
Public Comment by Ann H.
In 1959 I was able to go to kindergarten because I got a vaccination, and that’s one of the firsts, way back then. The doctor and my mother and father were the ones that were there and made the decision for me to have this. The doctor was the same one that came to our house when I was sick. We trusted him, and with his knowledge as well, at the time.
Let’s fast forward to COVID and the intimidations that I felt from doctors and other health officials, saying that I was spreading the disease and what it meant to me as being elderly, as well—that I was hurting other people and hurting myself.
I’m so thankful I had knowledge enough to make that decision for myself. I did not get the shot, and switched doctors. Asked my doctor if he would get the shot. He said no way, because it had not been proven.
So, I want to thank you for what you’re doing protecting the children because the next thing they did after they intimidated us, was made it clear that our children needed it, and infants needed it. And I was horrified to think that a drug that they hadn’t tested completely, long range, was going to be given to our children. That’s up to the parents to make those decisions.
Public Comment by Bonnie E.
I’m speaking from my heart. I am first of all a follower of Jesus Christ, secondly I’m a wife, thirdly I’m a mother to four children. God has set up the family to be mother, father, and children. He’s shown that in the natural order that it takes a mother and a father to make children. It does not take a community to make children. So, from the natural order, and also from the Bible, God never gives instructions to the community to raise the children. He only gives instructions to the parents…
It’s not the government’s responsibility to make decisions for and to have responsibility for my children—that’s mine and my husband’s.
Public Comment by Ronnie A.
I want to show my support for the resolution to promote informed decisions regarding childhood vaccines. In light of COVID and all the government overreach, and the vaccine health crisis that followed, and the culture war over gender issues, it’s become obvious that there is a goal to subvert parental values and influence over even our young children.
Thomas Sowell wrote in the 90s about the cycle of failure, which has been used on various fronts in our culture to grow government, both in size and scope. The strategy was used during COVID, and it has had the outcome of growing government control. One example of this failure is the war on poverty. What started as a plan to increase people’s individual well being and decrease their dependence on the government, the “war on poverty” had the ultimate outcome of growing subsidies and increasing dependence on the federal government, which in response grew in size and scope. But rather than being empirically scrutinized leading to a change of course, it was recycled as another problem for government to solve, as if there was no other alternative.
Another example of the strategy is sex ed, which was originally promoted to the public as a solution to a very complex problem that only “experts” could understand. The original goal of lowering the rates of STDs and out-of-wedlock babies was not met. Then, like poverty, the failed outcome manufactured a need for more aggressive solutions leading to promotion of abortion and remodeling of the American moral landscape.
The tactics of redefining language, reframing statistics, using anecdotal emotional appeals, and taking advantage of our short memories and our desire for material comforts are used. Reframing failed outcomes as relative successes compared with what they could have been, has also been a useful strategy. Then history, rewritten by our media, repeats itself. What happened during COVID and what is playing out in our culture is more of the same, and it is clear that our kids and our bodies are the last front.
This resolution hardly walks back the damage done to individual rights over the past century. However, it does allow for more informed decisions on the part of parents as they care for their children as God intended in loving families. And, hopefully, will result in a more informed responsible population, whether fully vaccinated or not.
Public Comment by Becka T.
I am here to address the resolution to continue to allow vaccine waivers and to show my support. I come before you as a mom of three beautiful children who God has placed me to be the protector of. I have three children with three different health journey stories.
My oldest daughter was fully vaccinated; my second child was vaccine-injured at four months. He was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, which is a side effect of the rotavirus vaccine. The statistics of him contracting Kawasaki disease are very minimal, but still he was affected. Immediately after his four-month vaccines he came down with fevers reaching to 104.5. He was lethargic, vomiting, high-pitched screaming, and was inconsolable to be put down. We were sent home from two ERs and finally admitted to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital on day nine. He was within the 10-day window to receive IVI treatment that spared his life. He was unable to receive any vaccines following his diagnosis.
After digging into the health risk of vaccines, we made the decision to not vaccinate our third child. Not everyone can handle vaccines. My child does not pass the toxins and is unable to receive any vaccines moving forward.
I trusted the government. I didn’t know there was other options. I thought I was doing what was best for my child. After his vaccine injury I read the fine print side, the short hand list they give you at the doctors office. Side affects include death, coma, and seizure. Thankfully my children are all healthy and thriving, and still on this side of Heaven.
Sadly, I’ve learned that you have to be an advocate for your own child, and I am the only one who can protect them from the government [that] has failed me and my children, and I need to stand up for them. Everyone has the choice to vaccinate their children, and there is no judgment to anyone who chooses to vaccinate their children. I have been there, and sadly most of the time you don’t realize how damaging vaccines can be until you are directly affected by the injury. All parents have the right to choose what’s best for their children. My damaged child was also not able to handle wearing a mask.
One week before my children were to start the 20-21 fall school year at an Ottawa County private school, Ottawa County imposed mask mandates for all schools, including private schools. This was not a Michigan mandate. It was a county-by-county choice.
We had to make the hard decision to start looking elsewhere for school options. Sadly, Ottawa County did not allow private schools to make their own decisions regarding masks. The government overreach was disheartening. I started immediately deep diving into different school options. Surprisingly, what I found was that Kent County was lenient on private schools making their own choices. We made the tough decision to move our children to a private school in Kent County for the year. We knew that it would be hard, but we knew also that we needed to stand up for what we believed in and what God has called us to do. Where He leads us, He will not leave us.
We chose a school that made this statement regarding the mass mandate: As a school we believe that no one knows their child’s needs physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally better than the parents. Parents should always have the right to choose what’s best for their children. We were able to move our children back… we pray that you will continue allowing the vaccine waiver so that my children can continue to educate here.
Public Comment by David M.
This great country, that is the greatest country in the world, has squandered its integrity when it comes to vaccines, because money is all that has become of the issue anymore. There was a day that an American citizen knew that a vaccine that was provided for the citizens would be good and honored, and had nothing to fear but fear itself. Those days are long gone.
I want to remind everybody—and I believe it was in the 50s or 60s, as again, I said I didn’t plan to talk—there’s a group of black individuals, men, who were given the syphilis disease so they could be monitored to see once how the affect, it has on them. Deliberate. By the United States government. This wonderful, greatest country in the world, and after all, they wouldn’t do anything wrong, would they? So, I guess to answer the racial equity thing, it should have been a third, a third and a third, or whatever, equally made up of all races, right? Then it would have been okay. Not hardly.
It’s never all right for this country to destroy the citizens for its own well being, or for money, and it’s time we remember that. That’s why we are where we are today.
Public Comment by Kim V.
I approve this mandate for parents having a waiver. The fact is, no information is given. I’m a nurse and in the hospital we stick needles in people without their permission. We do unbelievable things in the medical society. And for our children, if we add up all the vaccines they get from birth to 18, it is 100. 100 shots. Not just the shot’s, the vaccine that has three or four. And none of them have been tested to be safe, none of them…
Why does a newborn need a hepatitis b shot? They’re not sexually active. Now if the mother has it, it’s a lifesaver for the child. But most mothers don’t have it, and so we are damaging children the day of birth by putting poison in their system. They’re full of heavy metals. They’re full of additives that our body isn’t made to handle.
And, the rate of autism by 2030 will be one in two children. That’s what’s estimated. That autistic rate is going higher and higher every year because they’re little brains can’t handle all the pollution that we’re putting in it.
Thank you very much for what you’re doing.
Public Comment by Geri M.
I’m totally in support of making this [the vaccine] voluntary. If you want to get your kids vaccinated, that’s up to you. And, if you want to opt out, that’s me, so also up to you. I don’t know what vaccine laws were like in the Netherlands when I was born. The only thing I know of when we came for sure, we had to get smallpox. Other than that, I don’t know.
I had mumps, measles and… chicken pox. I survived them all, and I haven’t gotten any since. So, I didn’t need the vaccine. You take the disease, and you’re good to go. So, I think it should be as we’re looking into more mandates, people are already saying there’s going to be new things coming, and there’s going to be more restrictions, and masking, and all that.
And, I just appreciate being a constitutional county—that it’s our choice whether we want to comply with these things or not.
If you want to get a vaccine, my brother-in-law died within weeks after his second shot because of what this COVID vaccine did to his body. My sister has a permanent, at 95, a permanent vaccine injury because of her second shot. So, it’s your chance if you want to take it, but it should also be your choice.
Thank you very much. [I] appreciate all the things that you guys do, totally. I know you get a lot of flack, but I appreciate your courage, I appreciate your stance, and I appreciate what you’re doing for this county. And, nobody ever did the scrutiny of previous commissions like y’all are getting scrutinized, and I think that should be noted.
Public Comment by Bruce G.
As was stated earlier, there are no double blinds. There are no placebo testing of vaccines because, as most of us know, since 1986 our good President Reagan did lots of great things but one thing he did wrong was to sign away any liability from any vaccine manufacturer. They don’t have to prove science. They don’t have to be financially liable. They’re raking in the profits, and the American taxpayer has to pay for those people who are injured. And, that’s no compensation for those individuals anyhow.
Please support all citizens. Support those resolutions of parental choice, waivers for vaccines. Like they stated, there’s over 100 now. When I was born in 1953, there were only about three. The times have changed, for not the better.
Public Comment by Darlene D.
I just have some questions and all of them are probably just rhetorical questions. Thank you for supporting that [waiver resolution]. Why should a parent even need a waiver for something like this? We don’t want or need government approval as to whether we inoculate our children. That just does not make sense.
Number 2, but wasn’t it the Health Department, I might be wrong on this, wasn’t it the Health Department that shut down Libertas a couple years ago? And, if that’s the case, why should we even trust the Health Department to approve or deny a waiver request? I think that’s a very, very dangerous place to be. So, it’ll all rest on the Health Department as to whether my child or anyone’s child could get the “approval” to avoid to get a waiver.
Public Comment by Kristen M. K.
Thank you for passing this resolution. I agree with Darlene. I don’t even know why a waiver’s needed. Just so everyone knows, you can get past the waiver, and if anyone wants to know, message me. This applies for all states. As being in the military for a long time I’ve always exempted my children from vaccines. But, one thing I want to explain is, our Health Department has zero personnel credentialed to even give the risk and benefits. That is because healthcare providers have the goal to treat. People in my profession protect.
So, let me just tell you something. Asbestos is a fire retardant; it’s chemical resistant. Haylon is fire suppressant; it’s highly toxic. There are things that can work, but we have to look at how that impacts the human body. So, I am not anti-vaccine, I am anti injecting neuro toxins, carcinogens and reproductive health hazards into tiny human bodies that cannot consent, and calling it preventive health… is insane to me as an exposure scientist of 21 years. And, there’s people in the comments that call me a janitor because they think an industrial hygienist is a janitor. I have a background in toxicology, I have four science degrees, and my fellow toxicologist friend, her name is Ashley Everly, has a website. It’s just, and it gives you very simple information on the risks and benefits, and the financial incentives.
But I just want to say, that if I’m required by law for OSHA to engineer out the very same hazards that are housed as toxicants inside of vaccines, do we not see a problem here?
There is formaldehyde, there’s heavy metals. And, when I hear people preach about how I need to do a duty and not be selfish for my community? I’ll be open here. I had a stroke from a vaccine on active duty. My husband who spoke here also has an injury from the anthrax vaccine. Neither of us have vaccinated our 19 year-old and 7 year-old daughters. Why? Because we looked at human and genetic factors…
But [I have] a massive issue with the Health Department because you have too many people putting out graphics that have no experience in the information they’re sharing, and it makes me completely irate. I don’t want a job in your health department, Mr. Moss, but I will always be here as an ad hoc professional, and I can guide you toward those experts in toxicology, virology, and epidemiology.
So, I stand here not as a scientist but as a vaccine-injured parent, and it completely infuriates me those graphics that I’m seeing because they say those exemptions as existed, but they didn’t advertise it. Just like school exemptions. Exempt your kids from standardized testing because you can.
Public Comment by Denise J.
I’m beyond grateful that you approved your resolution regarding vaccine waiver rights. When our welfare, Medicare parents go to the Health Department, let’s make sure that they know as well that they have a right to the waivers. I think there’s a common—I could be wrong—but I think there’s a common thought out there that I’ve got to vaccinate to keep my medical or financial benefits… Make sure that’s served with a smile and, you know, respected as much as anyone else.
The Resolution On Honoring Our Heroes Of Freedom
Public Comment by Nate K.
I just wanted to come and show my support to you, the Board, for your veterans resolution. I’m absolutely 100% on board with this, and I know that majority of the veterans in our county are on board with this. We do come out of the military and we are seeking help, help that we are not able to receive through the VA quickly. The VSOs are extremely overlooked. They have veterans coming from my wartime and previous wartimes that they are trying to catch up on.
We have needs that are not actually being met. We are being set to the side. We would look to the County for extra help. This help could come in the fact of: once we get out of the military we need help transitioning, we need to know where we can get jobs, we need to know where we can get medical care, we need to know who is out here to support us. After that we need to know how to apply for our benefits that we were able to receive from our injuries received in combat, such as myself who’s 80% disabled. I needed to know where I apply and how I apply to receive my rating after I got blown up in combat.
Younger people need this help. There’s also the older veterans. The older veterans are trying to navigate a system on computers that is becoming more and more difficult. They need classes, they need education, and they need help. They need somebody to sit with them and be like, excuse me, sir; I understand what you’re going through. Let’s work through this together, thus bringing forward an extracurricular group or somebody else who can help assist with these VSOs, would help tremendously.
Public Comment by Kristen M. K.
Thank you for recognizing veterans in our community. I bring a different angle to this, appreciation as a disabled veteran, 100% rated. I am also a former VA employee. I was a GS-12 and have worked with veterans and navigated the issues and confusion related to the VBA and VHA. I have done pro bono since 2011 for veterans regarding their claims. And, I’ve heard from veterans from all political spectrums including older veterans, even from the Korean War. I am not claiming to speak for all veterans but I can make you commonalities from veterans I have worked with, from varying backgrounds and experiences.
I appreciate you reading the fine print on grants and pausing to ensure you are not violating the privacy rights of mental health patients. There are many reasons veterans deny seeking counselling and utilizing benefits. Too often funds go unused due to the regular run-of-the-mill, closed or uncomfortable setting of off-white walls, ungrabbed pamphlets, and fear of being viewed as crazy. They’re also unaware of how to navigate the VA and what benefits they qualify for.
The veterans I have worked with feel there should be counselling and therapy out of the customary setting that falters as self-guided, supervisory-lead group outing with fellow veterans who can relate to others at their own comfort level. There are opportunities to echo neighboring communities, but we can be fiscally responsible by moving this whole action under the Health Department.
Common issues veterans face are transitions, meaning healthy relationships due to triggers, delayed care, being over-medicated, astronomical wait times to obtain administrative or medical support, and being mocked for issues than cannot be seen or visible. Additionally, we cannot forget the spouses of veterans who bear the brunt of the frustration of veterans, feeling forgotten or passed around until they give up, But, I do want to thank the current VSO and other veteran support in our community because they need more supportive staff.
Public Comment by Joel B.
I served in the Marine Corps. I got out right before 9/11. They tried to get me to come back, and I decided that it wasn’t for me anymore I do have a lot of friends that are actually still serving there looking at 30 years in, and you know, seeing what some of them have gone through, seeing what my father has gone through… He was a Vietnam vet. He has now Parkinson’s and he’s working with the VA, and I cannot believe the amount of work and struggle on working with him. He doesn’t understand computers, technology. What he has to go through to try to get approved for disability… To have a place where I could actually go nearby in Ottawa County would be amazing. I support this resolution.
And, to kind of piggyback off from this with the vaccines that I was injected with. I had no informed consent I went through a line with 99 guys behind me, got pricked, poked, shot with who knows what. I didn’t ask any questions, and I didn’t get an opportunity to ask. And, a lot of these veterans are experiencing side effects from these vaccines. How long did it take for Agent Orange to be listed as something that caused a problem? Dow, Monsanto didn’t want to agree to any terms and big corporations aren’t going to just bow down and say they made a mistake.
And, now we look at what Gulf War syndrome could be, side effect from the anthrax vaccine, which was given to troops without their consent, without testing. Project 112, or Shad, was biological warfare testing done on Navy and Army people serving at sea, without their knowledge. This stuff happens and…
I applaud the efforts that the Commissioners are taking to give that choice to parents for informed consent. I support the resolution to support our veterans. It’s high time we get more support for them in Ottawa County… Over 13,000 veterans a year committing suicide, and it’s time for that to stop.
Public Comment by P. J. M.
Thank you so very much for the opportunity to speak on behalf of myself and other veterans. Just to put it simply, I spent 25 years with US Army Special Forces, retired 17 years ago. It took 10 years to receive the disability rating that I have now. I was shot twice, blown up once. I spent a cumulative of nine years in combat, and it should not take 10 years. This is with five different states, 11 different VA facilities.
Finally the Grand Rapids VA facility did some sort of help. They sent me with a PTSD coordinator, a 25 year-old female who had just finished school, a clinical psychologist. And she said, “I’m here to help you, Sergeant Muir.” Well, there was little no help, God love her for trying. But your proposal, your resolution to open an Ottawa County office is imperative. We shouldn’t have to travel to Wyoming, to seek people that don’t know what they’re doing. The VA system itself is wonderful. It’s old, but it’s wonderful. The problem is we have uneducated, untrained people running the system who think that that’s their system, it’s their money to give out to the veterans as they see fit, regardless of what paperwork is done improperly or properly.
So here’s the steps to do it: You go there, you sign a 1010 EZ form, you bring a copy of your marriage certificate, children’s birth certificates, if they’re still living at home, and a copy of what’s called your DD214. They then at that time put you in a category one through eight to tell you what your category of medical benefits are. Then you’re supposed to go up to the veteran service office and meet with one of them, either from the DAV, the VFW, American Legion, and they’re going to tell you how they can help you with the benefits, whether it be disability benefits, school, college, whatever.
That doesn’t happen. And it doesn’t happen in that order. Unfortunately, many of the guys that are trying to follow that system don’t understand it. Like the Kellys said, and like Corporal Buck and them said, it’s a system that is so high tech, but there’s no training for it. You can’t go to the VA and they’re going to say OK we’re going to sit down with your computer here and help you fill out this form. They give you a handwritten form, tell you to take it home, fill it out, and come back. They don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know how to fill that form out.
So, if we could get that open, that would be the best thing that you could do for these veterans in this county. And I applaud you for it and I pray to God that we can get this through and thank you for what you all do for this county. God bless you all.
Public Comment by Geri M.
Your support of veterans, I just think that this is something that’s so necessary. You know my family… they lived through the occupation in the Netherlands in World War II and it was soldiers that came from across the ocean and brought freedom back to my country. And, all the wars that we’ve had since where American young men and women go to bring freedom to other countries. And, when they come back they’re sometimes spit on, sometimes discarded. We welcome people, illegal people, coming across the border, and we take care of them better than we take care of our veterans.
So, I applaud you for taking this action, to take care of the men that have given their lives for this country, that it took to go to foreign shores and give freedom to other people. Some of it’s a little questionable these days, is what we’re learning, but still; on the other hand, they go.
Election Integrity
Public Comment by J. P. M.
Thankfully this current county Board has shown it is willing to do right and not just be a rubber stamp for higher levels of government and Washington D.C. and Lansing, which have shown they cannot be trusted. So, it is more important than ever that local governments stand in the gap. One central concern here is corrupt election system in this state and nationwide. Just recently it was revealed that in neighboring Muskegon County around 10,000 fraudulent ballot applications were submitted by Democrat-connected GBI Strategies in 2020. The Michigan police report suggests GBI was engaged in widespread systemic voter fraud in multiple locations. Yet, there have been no indictments. is uncovering how the Michigan qualified voter file is filled with unqualified voters fed by the Democrat connected ERIC system. The election Integrity scorecard of shows there is material problem even here in Ottawa County. For this and other reasons I question whether Ottawa County can even properly process a recall effort of Commissioner Ebel. Go to and see for yourself. Michigan State Senator and former Secretary of State Ruth Johnson has estimated that over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan.
In his book, The 2020 Coup, former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck documents the many irregularities and illegalities perpetrated in the 2020 election, such as the 4 a.m. drop off of many ballots in the TCF Center in Detroit. Bob Cushman has documented in his book, Michigan’s Corruption Explained, the massive campaign money laundering benefiting various Democrat campaigns. O’Keefe Media Group has confirmed the money laundering and election watches presented evidence much of the money originates in communist China. We know through Elon Musk that the FBI has engaged in criminal interference in national elections…
County by county we need public hearings to expose the corruption and fraud. Take what measures we can to address them… and get right what needs to be right.
Public Comment by Gary K.
Many people are concerned about election Integrity, especially with the national disaster of 2020. Even if everything was correct and error-free, we all need to feel we can trust to have a clean election. Without confidence and accuracy, there will also be no trust in the elected officials.
Addressing this concern, I feel anyone who really is concerned about something also has some ideas about how to correct it, and here are my ideas. I think we should have an audit of all precincts in the county, including absentee… At a certain percent, say 5%, would be manually recounted, not simply run back through the tabulators. The precincts could be selected manually in a fish bowl thing. The auditors should be from election inspectors of other jurisdictions. And the result of the audit, if not within a predetermined margin of error, then the entire county needs to be manually audited.
This is my idea. I don’t know if it’s the only one that’s viable. I think it’s worth you guys considering. And, if you decide to do anything on it, I would be honored to assist on any committee you would like.
Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant
Public Comment by Michael K.
I want to address the pending resolution to apply for a grant from the federal DOJ. I am referring to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program. I do not want to suggest that the proposed use of the grant money is without merit, quite the contrary. I am, however, concerned about the stated objectives of the grant program itself, and what might be inferred from an Ottawa County application for funds from that program.
One of the several objectives of this grant program is promotion of so-called “racial equity.” I know what is what is meant by racial equality, and I support it. In a nutshell racial equality means that racial characteristics play no role whatsoever in the assessment of individuals. And, I know what racial means. It refers to the superficial characteristics that distinguish various groups of individual human beings, such as so-called whites and blacks and yellows and reds, etc.
And I know what equity means. Again, in a nutshell, equity means you get what you deserve. But, I have no idea what racial equity means. Surely it does not mean that certain groups of human beings are deserving, or not, of anything. This nation is founded on the notion of individual rights and responsibilities, not on group rights and responsibilities. And most certainly, its ideals do not embrace distinguishing groups based on such superficial characteristics as a race.
So I ask this of you, Mr. Chair, and of the entire Board, what exactly do you understand this objective of the program to be, and why might you endorse it by applying for a grant from this program?
Public Comment by David M.
I can respect and understand the sheriff’s concerns and how he solved the problem, or at least helped take care of the problem. I’m looking at something that’s greater than that. Allendale didn’t used to have to be a city where you had to have cameras to monitor its citizens so that illegal activity didn’t take place. I question, Big Brother looking over my shoulders every time I go anywhere, is the answer to all my problems. I believe there’s a bigger issue at hand.
What is the organization that’s bringing all this kind of stuff to Allendale? Where is it coming from? Is it from within or from without? I believe it’s from without. I don’t believe watching me is the answer. We need to address what’s taking place: the drugs, legalizing marijuana—you can say what you want to, but it has not done anything positive for this community. And for Allendale Township, I question Grand Valley State College, and what it’s done, and why it doesn’t introduce Class 101 – How to be a Citizen of this Community—the most important class that any of these kids should take. I was up ‘till about three in the morning listening to parties going on that are over three miles away. No, I’m not making it up. Come over sometime on a Friday or Saturday night, and you can listen. I’m just saying. And, don’t sell your soul for $50,000.
Additional Topics
Jordan Epperson, New Assistant To John Gibbs
Public Comment by Kristen M. K.
I support the hiring of Jordan Epperson. Jordan was recently attacked for social media posts before he enlisted in the marines, before he found his faith and purpose. I know Jordan to be a highly organized and very dedicated worker who is passionate about upholding his oath.
Public Comment by Donna M.
I ‘m also here to support the hiring of Jordan Epperson to the position of Mr Gibbs’s assistant. I feel for our young people today living out their youthful mistakes in the public eye through social media. And, I’m pretty sure that most of the people criticizing this young man’s old social media post did not live out their youthful mistakes publicly. I’m also pretty sure that until the new Ottawa Impact endorsed members took their seats, old social media post by potential new hires weren’t a concern to these outraged people. I’m also certain that these folks sharing their selective outrage over Mr Epperson’s social media posts are the same people who voted for, and were willing to pay tax dollars to, Lucy Ebel’s failed opponent—despite his barrage of racist and violent attacks against others on social media. Your selective outrage lends you zero credibility.
If we’re going to scrutinize this new hire’s old media post and demand he’s denied a job, then perhaps we should be scrutinizing all County employees personal social media posts. We might find something interesting like insubordination in Marcia Mansaray’s social media post on a site called Committee to Recall Lucy Ebel, where she’s so eager to donate her time to that effort she asked about knocking on doors to see if we can come back once the petition beats appeal.
Public Comment by Rachel A.
I’d like to speak in support of Mr Jordan Epperson working for you. The reason I feel compelled to speak is ‘cause I hear people attacking him in the first public comment. And, I also enjoyed reading four hit pieces by the Holland Sentinel on an assistant that seemed to rely on teenage tweets.
I would like [you] to know from personal experience that I’ve been working with Jordan Epperson for the House of Representatives, one-on-one managing an office for a house representative since January and his work is impeccable. I have never seen a harder worker who is more diligent and more committed. I also saw him serve veterans that were contacting our office that needed assistance at the state level.
Jordan’s ability to advocate for constituents is unmatched by anyone else I’ve ever met in the office. Jordan also worked more hours every week than any other House employee who works for the House of Representatives. The work ethic of this young man is admirable and the fact that he’s being thrown under the bus because they took teenage tweets out of context, doesn’t represent his morality. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t put up with crap. Jordan is not a misogynist. If I ever worked with someone who is insulting to me as a mother, a wife, a woman, or a human being, I would call them out. Teenage tweets don’t represent the morality or the work ethic of this young man, and you are lucky to have stolen him from the House of Representatives to come and work for Ottawa County.
Lucy Ebel Recall