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American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—Part Three
In May 2022, within the span of just 14 minutes, the previous Ottawa County Board of Commissioners spent $39,742,630 of the ARPA funds on lost revenue. The resulting benefits, they claimed, would be flexibility in spending the funds as they would like, more time to spend the funds, and a lessening of reporting requirements.
Press Release—Ottawa County Sheriff announces retirement
After 44 years of service in law enforcement, Ottawa County Sheriff Steve Kempker is retiring.
Meeting highlights—State of the County
“I would like to say thank you to the people of Ottawa County, who took decisive action to defend their piece of America in 2022—to protect individual freedoms, parental rights, and freedom of religion and conscience. Also, thank you to the staff of the County, who day in and day out are working for The People of our community. And thank you to the commissioners for their service as representatives. To the public, we are humbled to work for The People in our Constitutional Republic.” —Chairman Joe Moss, January 30, 2024
Veterans leave a war, but war never leaves a veteran
“Veterans make up about 4% of Ottawa County’s population and account for 24% of suicide deaths.” —Press Release: "Proposal to Expand Ottawa County Department of Veterans Affairs"
Meeting highlights—Three meetings getting County work done in under two hours
January 23, 2024, consisted of three committee meetings. The Strategic Planning Committee laid down a foundational plan for both the near and distant future, the Health & Human Services Committee had multiple department updates, and the Talent & Recruitment Committee got their job done in under ten minutes.
Highlights—Hambley hearing: The $4 million lie
“Big victory for the people. Truth prevailed on Friday,” Commissioner Joe Moss commented on "The Justin Barclay Show," Monday, January 22, 2024.
Meeting Highlights—The first regular session of the year for the Board of Commissioners
2024 began without fanfare for the Board of Commissioners at the January 16, 2024 meeting. Agenda items focused on new budget software, committee adjustments, the hiring of outside counsel, and annual reports.
The local church and the sacred cow of politics
Many pastors believe in the myth of neutrality.
Michigan Legislature looking to impede parental rights
In 1993, Michigan became the most homeschool-friendly state in the nation. But, the state would like that to change.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—Part Two
The Ottawa County Board of Commissioners chose to use $39,742,630 of the ARPA funds for lost revenue. But, according to the January 25, 2022 and May 24, 2022 Board minutes, the Board only approved $31,712,572 in public meetings.
Truth be told
Ottawa County residents need truth to navigate reality. Local activist media and others continue to spin truth to fit a narrative. The truth must be told.
Meeting highlights—The 2024 Organizational Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
The Board of Commissioners unanimously voted for Commissioner Joe Moss as Chair and Commissioner Sylvia Rhodea as Vice-Chair for 2024.
2024—Time to fortify
An awakening happened in 2022, which gave Ottawa County a board majority that put faith, family, and constitutional freedom first.
Merry Christmas
Wishing you and your family peace, joy, love, and hope as we all celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
When the blessed bless
‘Tis the season for reflection.
Prince of Peace
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, among those with whom he is pleased." —Luke 2:13-14
Meeting highlights—Commissioner Kendra Wenzel, District 6
“I hope to foster a positive change, amplify the voices of everyday citizens in Ottawa County, and to uphold the oath of office.” —Kendra Wenzel, December 8, 2023, Public Interview
The Heritage Foundation: empowering conservative parents and teachers
In the following articles, The Heritage Foundation details the current work they are doing in education on behalf of parents and teachers.
Celebrate the Christmas season in Ottawa County
The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is upon us. Maybe you're looking for something fun to do with your family, where you can slow down and enjoy each other’s company. Maybe we all need a moment to see winter through the eyes of a child.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—Part One
In March of 2021, Ottawa County found out it would be receiving $56.6 million in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This federal funding was a Covid-19 relief package intended to address the economic impacts of the pandemic and ensure a strong and equitable recovery.
Special Meeting highlights—Interviewing commissioner candidates for District 6
On November 16, 2023, Commissioner Kyle Terpstra resigned from the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners. According to Michigan Law 46.412 and Board Rule 2.6, the office shall be filled by appointment within 30 days by the Board. In the name of transparency, the Board held public interviews of five candidates at a Special Meeting on Friday, December 8, 2023.
Power trip
After writing Letters to the Editor and giving public comment, Marcia Mansaray traveled across the country to inform public health professionals about how she used her position to push back against elected county commissioners who oversee the Health Department.
Meeting highlights—Day 6 of Adeline Hambley’s removal hearing
Two and a half hours, three motions, and a good faith step by the Board of Commissioners sum up Day 6.
Public Health & Democrat Activist Lawfare
“Many on the political left have pushed the lie that conservatives ‘distrust public health.’ It isn’t public health policy that we have come to distrust, but rather how it is used by the Left to cloak their partisan agenda.” —Representative Jim Banks, Indiana’s 3rd Congressional District